International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies (IWSM)
The Department of Statistics, the Postgraduate Program in Applied Economics, and the Postgraduate Program in Computer Science, Federal University of Ouro Preto, are pleased to organize the 8th International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies (IWSM2023), which will be held in Ouro Preto, Brazil, on June 20-23, 2023.
The venue for the IWSM2023 is the building of the Department of Geology, located inside the UFOP’s Campus at 122 Professor Paulo Magalhães Gomes street - Bauxita, Ouro Preto - MG, 35400-000. The Department of Geology is located about 300 meters from the main entrance of the Campus. The event will be 100% presential.
This will be the first IWSM in South America, hence an additional privilege for the local organizing committee.
The IWSM is a biennial conference that covers all aspects of sequential methodologies in statistics, applied mathematics, and information theory, from theoretical developments in optimal stopping in sequential analysis, change point detection, and virtually any applications in mathematical finance, quality control, clinical trials, signal and image processing, etc.
The goal of the workshop is to bring together the researchers and users from all areas within sequential methodologies.
A novelty for this edition of the IWSM: we are going to have special sessions on statistics, applied probability and related fields. In such sessions, the presentations are not limited to the sequential analysis field. Therefore, please feel free to submit your nice work, or to organize invited sessions, on topics that are not necessarily in the sequential analysis scope.
At the IWSM 2023, we will announce and award the next Abraham Wald Prize in Sequential Analysis for the best paper from the premier journal, Sequential Analysis, published in 2022, in a special ceremony.
Timeline / Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 15, 2023
Invited Session Proposals Deadline: April 15, 2023
Round A Early Rate Registration Deadline: 10 Feb 2022 To 20 Jan 2023
Round B Early Rate Registration Deadline: 21 Jan 2023 To 31 March 2023
Standard Rate Registration Deadline: 01 Apr 2023 To 31 May 2023
Workshop history:
2007- 1st IWSM was held at the Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA;
2009- 2nd IWSM was held at the University of Technology of Troyes, Troyes, France;
2011- 3rd IWSM was held at Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA;
2013- 4th IWSM was held at the University of Georgia-Athens, Athens, Georgia, USA;
2015- 5th IWSM was held in 2015 at Columbia University, New York, NY, USA;
2017- 6th IWSM was held at the University of Rouen, Rouen Normandy, France;
2019- 7th IWSM was held in the University of the State of New York, Binghamton, NY, USA.